Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Hands + Artist study

INK STUDY #13 - Buscema - PEN NIB

 Back to the pen nib on this one from a. Conan comic, this one was inked by Ernie Chan. I'm still deciding whose ink work I like best on Buscema's Conan work. And I think after Big John himself, I really like Ernie Chan's work the most. He seemed to get better as he went along, dong some really dynamic ink work later on this run.

Of course my own copy is terrible as always, practice makes better! The aim is to do 50 of these.

I always include the pencil sketch, to show that I don't really do a very cleaned up study, just enough detail to work on top with the pen. 

Last step I used the Sharpie for the blacks, the original piece had interesting texture which I tried to replicate

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

INK STUDY #12 Buscema - Brush

 Too tired today to do a study, so I rushed it.  Used some really, really old Tipp-Ex on those lines that crossed over.

Monday, March 24, 2025

INK STUDY 11 : J. Buscema


I bought a little set of Watercolour brushes in smaller sizes, 0, 2 and 4. Below I sampled the zero brush, which seems to be the right size for this sketchbook (an A5 size - Bristol paper). Though I still cheaped out on using SHARPIE for the black fills.

So if you are struggling with this. Remember: 

1 - Work on Bristol board paper! 2 - Get a small sized watercolour brush for smaller pages! 

Friday, March 21, 2025


 some hands (some terrible, some ok :P)


 Got too eager to erase, and the ink wasn't dry yet, so it smudged :/