Monday, February 24, 2025


 Little page of hands before starting work.


Sunday, February 23, 2025


 So something I may try and do is to copy a panel from a comic and ink it. It's a good way to learn how to use the ink tools (which I still suck at :P). Using a pen and brush for this Captain America panel by Gene Colan.

1. The Sketch

2. Ink with pen

3. Brush to fill blacks and try some feathering.

Lazy Sketchbook

 Sketches from the Loomis book and Artist Sketches from Buscema and Toriyama

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Artist Study : Buscema

Always fun drawing from Conan, these are from Buscema pencils but inked by Tony DeZuniga.

15 min session : gestures

 For some reason blogger always insist on putting the last pictures at the top, so this is reversed from longer poses (2 mins - and 1 x 5min), so 1 minute, and then 30 seconds.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

30 sec - 15 sec gestures

I have not done this in ages, but always. good practice:


30 second hand gestures

 I forgot to follow my own advice and , draw hands when you feel like procrastinating :P

I used this website to generate hand images on a 30 second timer.

And the all important page of drawing from memory without reference, so you can spot your weaknesses and work at them.'s always painful :D

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Artist Studies

So why do I study the work by John Buscema?

Because I think he's an absolute master of figure drawing, he draws figure with believable weight, great anatomy and great expressions. The hard thing however is that he was often inked by people who interpreted his work in their own way, so you often loose the beauty of his figures, or they get stiffened up. 

It's also a fun excuse for me to read through some of those old comics, which is a lot of fun. I will say that he is a bit classic when it comes to compositions and panel layout. There are far better comic artists out there to study for that. 

So why study Gene Colan? 
Not that you can tell from my horrible sketch attempt below, but Gene Colan is moody, his characters swim in dark shadows, and he is also great at drawing cards, environments. And on top of that his figure work is absolutely amazing. It's just a shame that the writing wasn't on par with his work. I'm reading daredevil

Recall - Classic Measurements

 Just drawing the Loomis skeleton breakdown from memory, mainly just making note of the devisions of the classic 8 head measurement. It was actually a friend who pointed out to me once that there's more to be learned from "reading" Loomis than to look at the images :P And it's really true, it's in the text that he talks about the differences between the male and female skeleton, and once you read it, you'll see the differences better. 

And then these, for fun! :D

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Loomis Anatomy

Starting a new sketchbook challenge, I call it Anatomy1. It covers the pages in the Loomis book that deal with Anatomy, going through the skeleton / bones, and muscles. It's only a few pages but good basic material to study.

Still continuing with artist studies too, below a page copied from Buscema drawings on the Black Widow.  

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Pencil studies : Gene Colan

Throwing the work of Gene Colan in the mix, another one of the classic comic illustrators from the 70s. Doing them in pencil, so that if I want to ink something for practice, I can ink over these. Of course my drawings are terrible, but I highly recommend the art by Colan, these are form some Daredevil issues. He's one of the few artists from that time that bathes his figures and scenes in black, it's quite atmospheric.

More Biro sketches

All from Buscema comic work.

Brush ink

 Terrible job, but it's nice to play around :D

Part of why I did such a terrible job is tools and the type of paper/size I used. (I couldn't get nice thin lines with the brush) and second reason is that my underlying sketch was way too loose :P