Alright Sketchers!
Today my ambitions were different. I felt I did good with my last two sessions using pencil, so I wanted to get out of my comfort zone and use different media. I used soft Pastel chalks for my 1 minute poses, tried it on longer poses aswell but there's not enough control to really work a drawing with that medium in my opinion.
I then used a normal biro to do some drawings which ended up ok I drawing is done my pencil and it was so easy. Definitely a medium I am now comfortable with. My last drawing was with a bro, and I love the rendering I did but the proportions were messed up, so I didn't even bother scanning it on :P
(1 minute)

(15 minutes)
(15 minutes)

(20 minutes)

(10 minutes)
Inspired by newcomer Joao, I stole his idea to draw
the sketcher since the pose was kind of boring...

More 1 minute drawings: