Saturday, August 30, 2014

Sol Art Life Drawing: Tuesday Quickposes

Went to the Tuesday Life Drawing Session in the Sol Art gallery for some quickposes.

Here's a batch of all 1 minute gestures:

Monday, August 25, 2014

Gesture Session

Using all sorts of web references, here are a few gesture studies from today:

30 seconds or less, stickfigures:

1 minute, adding some shape to the stickfigures and 3 un-timed figures:

I then sketched form a youtube cabaret show (LINK)

Then started to play around a bit shape and design within the gestures:

Finally pushing design ahead of gesture:

Airport Arrivals' sketches + Loomis Study

Didn't upload these drawings done on saturday, picked up a friend from the airport and sketched some of the people waiting, also did a loomis study in the evening:

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Arms + Torso studies

This month has been really hectic, and I stopped scanning my sketches to save some time. I'll go back to normal schedule next month, but in the meantime here are some studies from the last week.

90 second posemaniacs:

Photo applied studies, looking at the pecs & deltoids:

Comic Book studies from John Byrne and John Buscema & Essad Ribic (Thor)

Photo refence studies / Torso/Hips hook up.

Byrne Hogarth Studies:

Sunday, August 10, 2014

More Torso Studies

Didn't get that much studying done this week, definitely going to take it a bit more easy creatively next month so I can keep focussing on studying the figure.